NOCTO Interactive Light Up Bat

NOCTO Interactive Light Up Bat Review by Con

Available from all good retailers (3 Years +) 4.5 Stars

Parent View:
NOCTO’s a very sweet little Bat and comes with bundles of really fun functions. Its hard to make a call on who’s the best age for this toy as Bex (age 4) really loves NOCTO and plays with him all the time – but doesn’t really know how to access his functions. Shes just randomly pushes the buttons and enjoys the colours and noises that come from him. With Con (age 9) – he fully understands the controls, likes the games – but hasn’t played with the toy anywhere near as often as Bex. If I was to guess at the perfect age it would be between 5 and 7 years old. A big selling point for this product is that its not reliant on using a Tablet like other toys to fully access his functions. NOCTO is the toy and there’s no need for add-on’s which is quite refreshing. A great gifting idea for birthdays and Christmas and will look great hanging in a bedroom!!!