Bex meets the Stars at the Everybody’s Talking About Jamie World Premiere – Interviews CLICK HERE!!!

Bex with The Real Jamie (Jamie Campbell/Fifi La True) and his Mum Margret!!!

Max Harwood (Jamie/Fifi in the Movie) with ‘Travel Jamie Premiere Bex’ as we didn’t get to meet up with him at the Premiere!!!

Bex Premiere Press Pass signed by Jamie and Max!!!

Lauren Patel (Pritti Pasha)!!!

Shobna Gulati (Ray)!!!

John McCrea (Young Loco Chanelle and Stage Jamie)!!!

Noah Leggott (Young Jamie)!!!

Jonathan Butterball (Director), Tom Macrae (Writer) and Dan Gillespie Sells (Composer)!!!

Layton Williams (Stage Jamie/Dancer in the movie)!!!

Lawrence Chaney!!!

Bimini Bon-Boulash!!!

Beverley Knight!!!

Amelia Lily!!!

Anna Phylactic!!!

Black Peppa and James Mac!!!

La Voix!!!

Vinegar Strokes!!!

Real Jamie and Screen Jamie (Max Harwood) on the Pink Carpet!!!

Available on Amazon Prime Video 17/9/21 – Review CLICK HERE!!!