Hag and Con talk to Nickelodeon RIDE star Kendra Timmins

Hag and Con talk to Nickelodeon RIDE star Kendra Timmins!!! (Katherine’ Kit’ Bridges)

Tea or Coffee and why? Con age 9

Kendra Timmins – Tea! I’ve never liked the taste of coffee, I find it too bitter. And Tea just comes in so many different flavours I could never get bored!

What were you doing when you found out you were in RIDE and who was the
first person you told?
Hag age 12

Kendra Timmins – I was in my bedroom, binge-watching Netflix trying to distract myself and not think about finding out if I got the part or not, which wasn’t very successful because I can’t even remember exactly what I was watching. And the first person I told was my sister. She’s always the first person I tell big news to. I called her right away, and we both screamed
and did happy dances. I’m glad I was alone, otherwise I would probably have embarrassed myself.

Had you ever ridden a horse before RIDE and if yes what’s it like? Con age 9

Kendra Timmins – I had! I went to a horse-back-riding summer camp for a few years before Ride. And It was nerve-wracking at first, but once you learn the basics, and get to know your horse,
it’s a blast! You have to completely trust each other and once you get it, it makes you
feel really confident and totally free.

What do you think is the hardest trick for a horse? Hag age 12

Kendra Timmins – On our show, the hardest trick for TK was pulling his saddle blanket off. Horses are so well trained to get tacked up, it seemed really strange to him when they started asking
him to pull it off. It was also hard because it was a trick that was unique to our script. It’s
easy for horses to do tricks they already know, and get used a lot for film, like rearing, or
nodding, but the blanket was a new one so it took a little more time. But our horse
trainer/whispered Bill is amazing, and got the horses doing tricks in no time!

Do you actually live in the countryside and if yes what do you like best? Con age 9

Kendra Timmins – I don’t, I actually live in a big city in Canada. But when I do get to go to the countryside the best part about it is the quiet and the fresh air, two things that are very hard to find in the city.

Who is your favourite horse in the show and why? Hag age 12

Kendra Timmins – TK is definitely my favourite horse because he’s just the best. He’s so gentle, and patient, which was perfect for a beginner like me. He is also incredibly smart, had tons of
energy and liked to crack me up while we were filming. I spent so much time with him so
we really got to bond over the month of filming. It was really tough to say goodbye. I’m
crossing my fingers we’ll get to work together again, maybe on Ride Season 2!

What’s your favourite TV or Film horse of all time and why? Con age 9

Kendra Timmins – Tornado, who is Zorro’s horse in The Mask of Zorro. Because he’s really funny and mischievous, AND also because he has the same name as the horse, who played TK, has
in real life.

New live action series Ride premieres in the UK on 7th November at 7pm on Nick at Nite!!!