Youth #Gottit – Sonic The Hedgehog

Youth #Gottit – Sonic The Hedgehog review by Harrison

In Cinemas 14/2/20 (PG) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:
This isn’t just a kidz film – this new Sonic movie is a celebration for anyone that has ever loved the Sonic The Hedgehog games. Highly Recommended!!!

Youth #Gottit – Harrison asks Director Jeff Fowler and Sonic himself Ben Schwartz why we love Sonic the Hedgehog so much? CLICK HERE!!!

Sonic the Hedgehog – Con and Bex talk Loop-De-Loops and Running Super Fast with Director Jeff Fowler and Sonic himself Ben Schwartz CLICK HERE!!!

Harrison, Con and Bex at the Sonic the Hedgehog London Screening Party CLICK HERE!!!