Justin Fletcher: Annual 2013/ Funny Faces Sticker Activity Book

Review by Con

In all good reatilers 1/11/12 (Pre-School/Reception Class) “Infinity” out of 5

Parent View:
Anything related to the incredible Justin Fletcher will get the Thumbs up from me and Kidzcoolit HQ. These books are bundles of fun and very interactive – Con just loved working through the pages of each. The 2013 Annual has everything from colouring activities to sticker sections. The ‘Funny Faces Sticker Activity Book’ does exactly what it says on the cover, although Con didn’t always create the Faces intended and liked to come up with his own looks.

Dad with Justin at the Children’s Bafta’s 2010: I was lucky enough to spend a bit of time with the lovely Justin Fletcher’s – a genuinely really nice and funny man. Future ‘Knight’ me thinks!!!

Justin with ‘Play School Legend’ – HUMPTY (One for Mum’s and Dad’s)
