Nintendo Labo – Toy Con 1 Variety Kit House

Nintendo Labo – Toy Con 1 Variety Kit House review by Bex

Available for Nintendo Switch (6 Years +) “191 stars” out of 5 Stars

Parent View:
This is a lovely easy LABO toy to construct with fun play for youngsters. Bex found the house really easy to build but she struggled a bit with the construction of the plugs and needed a bit of Daddy help. Once constructed its a great game to play – classic Nintendo gaming. Highly Recommended!!!

Nintendo Labo – Toy Con 1 Variety Kit review by Harrison, Con and Bex CLICK HERE!!!

Nintendo Labo – Toy Con 2 Kit Robot Kit review by Harrison, Con and Bex CLICK HERE!!! (Live Soon)

Harrison and Con at the Nintendo Labo Science Museum Workshop CLICK HERE!!!

Nintendo Switch Console and Games reviewed CLICK HERE!!!