Nintendo Labo – Toy Con 1 Variety Kit Motor Motorbike

Nintendo Labo – Toy Con 1 Variety Kit Motor Motorbike review by Harrison

Available for Nintendo Switch (6 Years +) “TOP END” 5 Stars

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Harrison said he found constructing the Labo Motorbike really relaxing. It all fits together really well and looks super cool once constructed. The game play is great fun too and perfect for kidz of all ages. Highly Recommended!!!

Nintendo Labo – Toy Con 1 Variety Kit review by Harrison, Con and Bex CLICK HERE!!!

Nintendo Labo – Toy Con 2 Kit Robot Kit review by Harrison, Con and Bex CLICK HERE!!! (Live Soon)

Harrison and Con at the Nintendo Labo Science Museum Workshop CLICK HERE!!!

Nintendo Switch Console and Games reviewed CLICK HERE!!!