SPY GEAR review by Hag and Con

Mystery box arrives for Hag and Con

Secret Agents needed!!

In the Top Secret box!!

Available from all good reatailers (6 to 8 years +) Hag “Top End” 5 Stars/Con 5 Stars

Parent View:
These toys are very cool – Hag and Con were very excited when they arrived. I remember Spy toys when I was a Kid – they were useless. Ironically a ‘Real’ Secret Agents were probably using some of this technology for real back then.

Secret Microphones on sucker darts, Security Lasers, Secret cameras and the coolest walking Talkies I’ve ever seen. If your Kid wants to be a Marvel Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D these are a must own toy. Stand out toys from the range – Stealth Com Walkie Talkies, Field Agent Spy Watch (Tells the time in every city in the world at the touch of a button)