Asterix The Mansions of the Gods – The Best of Hag and Con’s interviews with Dick & Dom

Asterix The Mansions of the Gods – The Best of Hag and Con’s interviews with Dick & Dom

Do you like registering? Con age 4

Dick – Do you like registering? Online??

Dom – I don’t actually. I find it extraordinarily boring.

Dick – Yes I do too. It takes forever doesn’t it?! Or do we like the register at school – where you get your name ticked off if you’re there? Yeah.

Dom – You could put your hand up.

Why do you call yourselves Dick and Dom? Hag age 6

Dick – Why do we call ourselves ‘Dick and Dom’ – because we’re called Richard and Dominic. A props guy who worked on one of our shows who was a proper ‘Cockney Geezer’ while we were walking down the corridor said “Look its Dick and Dom”. And that was it – it stuck.

Dom – Dick is short for Richard and Dom is just short.

Who inspired you? Con age 8

Dick – Dom

Dom – Dick

How did you meet? Hag age 10

Dick – In the BBC canteen

Dom – In the BBC canteen

Dick? Do you think Dom is funny? Hag age 6

Dick – Yes!
Dom – And the next question is? (The question was just for Dick)

What was the first practical joke you did together? Con age 8

Dick – We used to do the ‘you’ve won’ call to random numbers!
Dom – Find it in our new practical joke book – Dick & Dom’s whoopee book of practical jokes

If you could describe your relationship with each other in one word what would it be and why? Hag age 10

Dick – Crazy
Dom – Weird

How come you have got face paint? Con age 4

Dick – I’ll ask him (Points to Dom)

Dom – What? (Confused look) How come I’ve got face paint? (Still confused)

Dick – How come you’ve got face paint?

Dom – I haven’t got face paint. What a stupid question.

Dick – I know what he means. He means on television – do you wear make-up? That’s what he’s trying to ask.

Dick and Dom – We do!

Dom – Yep we do. We didn’t used to – but now we have lots on.

Dick – We do have to or you shine.

Dom – (Whispers) Dick wears mascara.

What other person do you see more than each other? Con age 8

Dick – We don’t, we literally see each other everyday!

Has there ever been a tour where you fell out and didn’t talk to each other and what was it about? Hag age 10

Dick – No, we stopped fighting over stuff many years ago

Dom – We’re too old now!

Do you look good? Con age 4

Dick – Well what do you think?! (Laughs)

Dom – What do you mean?! (Laughs) Good God man!

Dick – (Points to his face) Look at that!

Do you actually like Kidz? Hag age 6

Dom – Yes. Well being a Father I’ve got to really.

Dick – Kidz are great. Kidz minds work in bizarre ways a bit like ours. They come out with the most extraordinary things – like we do. And they make the best TV.

Dom – And they’re also the appreciative audience too. There is no greater audience than you lot!!!

Why are you such funny? Con age 4

Dick – Because we eat loads of fizzy eggs.

Dom – What? (Looks to Dick) Because we have a brilliant producer who knows how to make us look funny.

Dick – An intelligent answers.

Why do you like doing your job? Hag age 6

Dom – We like doing our job because its good to work with your best mate. And working on Kidz TV – we get to do what kidz like to do. So we get to muck about a lot!

Asterix The Mansions of the Gods in Cinemas 19/8/16 – Review CLICK HERE!!!