Minions – Hag & Con talk to Directors Kyle Balda and Pierre Coffin

Minions – Hag & Con talk to Directors Kyle Balda and Pierre Coffin

Do you know anyone called Bob, Kevin and Stuart and how do you know them? Hag age 10

Pierre Coffin – (Both Laugh) we don’t know anyone called Kevin, Stuart and Bob.

We’d like to know them. Kevin would be sort of tall and the leader of the bunch and sometimes bossy. I would hope that Stuart is sort of a lazy slacker and doesn’t ever want to do anything but likes drawing attention to himself in someways. And Bob is sort or small and innocent – Kid like.

How did you come up with the idea for Minions? Con age 8

Kyle Balda – The idea for the Minions movie was by Brian Lynch, who’s the screen writer for the film. He was originally pitching out this idea about Villain Con which is one of the central sequences in the film. It’s sort of like Comic Con but with Villains rather than comic book characters. And the Minions looking for a big boss to work for. I think part of the appeal was then how could you tell a story with these three guys. What makes them different from the other Minions. Exploring their personality and their character – thinking about where they came from.

Why is Minions set in the 1960’s? Hag age 10

Pierre Coffin – The 60’s we found in terms of cinematography – we found we could have fun with the grading of the picture. We always try to distinct ourselves within the story with the characters and how far we carry the jokes compared to….well we never compare ourselves to the other studios but it’s always tricky to push the limit and see how we can be different. And grading – making this movie a time piece is one of them. And having it set in the 60’s we could play with Technicolour, there’s not one fixed shot in the movie – we try to make it look like it was shot on film. It’s not something that you see – but overall I hope that you feel without it coming in front of the story or characters. We’re too close to it so I’m not sure if that’s all coming through – but we did put in all these ideas that we had across our childhood and stuff. We’re almost of the same generation, so the reason why there’s The Monkees – is because I used to watch that show when I was a kid. And ‘Hair’ was because I watched that movie when I was ten years old. I don’t know why my father let me see that movie. But the music was really great and one of these reasons I got into this business was because when I was nine or ten years old I saw ‘Singing in the rain’. I was expecting to see a musical comedy – but it went way beyond there. When I see it now it see that all the actors are playing it tongue in cheek whatever their roles are. Every musical moment is like a fun moment but they’re not playing to the public. They’re basically having fun.

‘Hairspray’ has the same vibe. It has a sociological message but it’s sort of hidden way in the back. It’s really really cool and fun.

If you could steal anything in the world what would it be and why? Hag age 10

Kyle Balda – The Pope! (Laughs)

What will the next movie be a Minion film or Despicable Me film? Con age 8

Pierre Coffin – The next film is going to be a Despicable Me one. The script writer has found a really good angle but I can’t spoil anything.

Kevin and Bob sketches for Hag and Con by Kyle Balda and Pierre Coffin!!!

Minions – In Cinemas 26th June REVIEW CLICK HERE!!!