Beast Quest

Review by Hag

Available now from all good retailers (Orchard Books) 5 Stars

Parent View:
Too often adults are heard saying “Kidz watch too much TV and play too many video games” – but as the Harry Potter franchise has proved, this isn’t down to Kidz not liking books, its down to the content that’s available and the way its marketed to Kidz. Since Potter’s rise to fame a whole new army of book fans have been born. Is this down to Kidz being more interested in reading or publishers seeking better content and learning from Potter how to channel these stories into the imaginations of young minds?

I personally would suggest the Kidz would have always be interested in a good story no matter the format – TV, Film, Video game or Book.

Hag discovered ‘Beast Quest’ through school and addicted to the adventures in the same way he is hooked on video games. At Kidzcoolit HQ you are just as likely to hear a frustrated 8 year old beg to read the last couple of pages of his book as plead to finish a level of Mario. Is this down to us being good parents? No – its down to the Beast Quest series being that good!!

Highly recommended!!

Beast Quest Book check list:

Beast Quest: Books 1–6
1.ferno, the fire dragon
2.Sepron, the Sea serpent
3.Arcta, the Mountain Giant
4.Tagus, the horse man
5.nanook, the Snow Monster
6.Epos, the flame bird

The Golden Armour: Books 7-12
7.”Zepha, the Monster Squid
8.”Claw, the Giant monkey
9.”Soltra, the Stone Charmer
10.”Vipero, the Snake Man
11.”Arachnid, the king of spiders
12.”Trillion, the Three-Headed Lion

The Dark Realm: Books 13-18
13.”Torgor, the Minotaur”
14.”Skor, the Winged Stallion”
15.”Narga, the Sea Monster”
16.”Kaymon, the Gorgon Hound”
17.”Tusk, the Mighty Mammoth”
18.”Sting, the Scorpion Man”

The Amulet Of Avantia: Books 19–24
19.Nixa, the Death-Bringer
20.Equinus, the Spirit Horse
21.Rashouk, the Cave Troll
22.Luna, the Moon Wolf
23.Blaze, the Ice Dragon
24.Stealth, the Ghost Panther

The Shade Of Death: Books 25–30
25.Krabb, Master of the Sea
26.Hawkite, Arrow of the Air
27.Rokk, the Walking Mountain
28.Koldo, the Arctic Warrior
29.Trema, the Earth Lord
30.Amictus, the Bug Queen

The World Of Chaos: Books 31–36
31.Komodo, the Lizard King
32.Muro, the Rat Monster
33.Fang, the Bat Fiend
34.Murk, the Swamp Man
35.Terra, Curse of the Forest
36.Vespick, the Wasp Queen

The Lost World: Books 37–42
37.Convol, the Cold-Blooded Brute
38.Hellion, the Fiery Foe
39.Krestor, the Crushing Terror
40.Madara, the Midnight Terror
41.Ellik, the Lightning Horror
42.Carnivora, the Winged Scavenger

The Pirate King: Books 43–48
43.Balisk, the Water Snake
44.Koron, Jaws of Death
45.Hecton, the Body Snatcher
46.Torno, the Hurricane Dragon
47.Kronus, the Clawed Menace
48.Bloodboar, the Buried Doom

The Warlocks Staff: Books 49–54
49.Ursus, the Clawed Roar
50.Minos, the Demon Bull
51.Koraka, the Winged Assassin
52.Silver, the Wild Terror
53.Spikefin, the Water King
54.Torpix, the Twisting Serpent

Master of the Beasts: Books 55–60
55.Noctila, the Death Owl
56.Shamani, the Raging Flame
57.Lustor, the Acid Dart
58.Voltrex, the Two-Headed Octopus
59.Tecton, the Armoured Giant
60.Doomskull, the King of Fear

The New Age: Books 61–66
61.Elko, Lord of the Sea
62.Tarrok, the Blood Spike
63.Brutus, the Hound of Horror
64.Flaymar, the Scorched Blaze
65.Serpio, the Slithering Shadow
66.Tauron, the Pounding Fury

The Darkest Hour: Books 67–72
67.Solak, Scourge of the Sea
68.Kajin, the Beast Catcher
69.Issrilla, the Creeping Menace
70.Vigrash, the Clawed Eagle
71.Mirka, the Ice Horse
72.Kama, the Faceless Beast

The Warriors Road: Books 73-78
73.Skuric. the Forest Demon
74.Targro, the Arctic Menace
75.Slivka, the Cold-Hearted Curse
76.Linka, the Sky Conqueror
77.Vermok, the Spiteful Scavenger
78.Koba, the Ghoul of Shadows