Captain America – The Winter Soldier: Role Play Toys and figures

Captain America – The Winter Soldier: Role Play Toys and figures review by Con

Con in full costume at the Captain America – The Winter Soldier screening

Available now from all good retailers (5 years +) “Top End” 5 Stars/”Top End 60 Stars”

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These Avenger toys just get better and better – and anything NERF always gets a big thumbs up from Kidzcoolit HQ. I can see this new ‘Stealthfire shield’ being one of the must own toys for this Xmas. Everyone who Con shows it to say “How cool it that” to the blaster action. Highly Recommended!!!!

“Wow thats incredible” What Chris Evans said when Hag and Con talked him through the new Shield!!!

Samuel L. Jackson pops over for a look at the toys

Shield signed by Chris Evans

Captain America action figure at the UK press conference!!!

Captain America action figure at the UK Premiere!!!