Captain America (2D/3D Blu-Ray review)

Review by Hag

On DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray (12) 5 Stars:

Parent View:
Yet again with a Super Hero film I’m not too certain why this is a 12(12A at the cinema)? I get the fantasy violence and gun concerns – but aside from a bit of blood in a scene similar to ‘PG’ rated Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Red Skull character looking exactly the same as the version in ‘PG’ rated The Super Hero Squad, this is a PG film to me.
My main observation for this film is the slow pace. This is the first time in ages Hag has became restless and talked during a movie and he’s probably the only 6 year old on earth who can sit quietly through the full unedited version of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I get the feeling many Kidz will get a bit bored by Captain America which is a real shame as it looks lovely. That said Hag gave it 5 Stars and says he loved it and at Home they can pause the film and come back to it if they want a break.(This film works really well at home as kidz can tune in and out during anything boring bits – in some form of ‘Kidz editing’ system.)

3D Blu-Ray Review:
Very impressive 3D – far better impact on the small screen compared with cinema. Stand out 3D moments – the rise of Captain America section, snowy mountain landscape, Plane crashing at the end and pretty much all the battle scene.