Con and Bex talk to Kidz Bop at the UK Press Conference

Con and Bex talk to Kidz Bop at the UK Press Conference!!!

When you found out you were going to be in the band, what were your first thoughts? Con age 9

LOIS: I was excited to see what was in store!

MAX: I got quite emotional because I’d worked hard for it, I’d been practicing for the auditions and I went in and I thought ‘oh I haven’t done very well’ so when I found out that I got it, I got emotional.

ASHTON: I think it took me a little while to sink in, so when I first found out I just froze! But then after a while it started sinking in and I got really excited!

TWINKLE: I think it was just total excitement because I’m one of those people that always gets excited! I was just really excited to see what was going to go on, I was really excited to meet all the kids and see how it was going to work and everything!

How did you make the CD? Bex age 5

TWINKLE: We went to a studio where we have the mic and everything, and we recorded our songs which was really fun. I think it was our first time of going into the studio together – yes it was our first time of recording songs which was really fun! It was awesome.

What’s your favourite song on the album and why? Con age 9

ASHTON: I think Tears is my favourite because it’s got all the editing, and I think the song is really good in general, but when we covered it, it was like ‘oh my gosh you’ve done this song!’ and I think just the video in general is really good.

MAX: Lousia Johnson sent us a video [about it] as well, she said it was great and she loved the cover!

What’s the hardest thing to do when performing live? Con age 9

ASHTON: I think the hardest thing to do is to make sure when you’re dancing you keep the mic [in front of your mouth] so it’s not [moving around] around all the time when you’re talking on the mic!

LOIS: I think, it’s like, you have the balance of the singing and the dancing, so we’re going really full out with the dancing but we’ve got to remember that we’re still singing so don’t make your voice go [makes wobbly sound] to make sure your vocals still sound really good.

MAX: For me it’s not being able to eat chocolate before we go on so our vocal chords stay nice, and also making sure you still go full out on stage but still keeping the mic in front of you.

TWINKLE: I think mine is similar, but it’s like singing and dancing and enjoying it at the same time, because that’s one of the main things as well, it’s the enjoying it and everything too.

Con reviews the new Kidz Bop Album!!!

Full tracklist for first KIDZ BOP!!!

1. Can’t Stop The Feeling!
2. 24K Magic
3. Shout Out To My Ex
4. What Do You Mean?
5. One Dance
6. Shake It Off
7. Tears
8. Let Me Love You
9. Dancing On My Own
10. Cheap Thrills
11. 7 Years
12. Drag Me Down
13. This Is What You Came For
14. Cold Water
15. Work
16. Treat You Better
17. Cake By The Ocean
18. Starving
19. Sorry
20. Don’t Let Me Down
21. Stitches
22. Photograph