DC Superhero Girls Action Figures

DC Superhero Girls Action Figures Review by Bex

Available from all good retailers 1/7/16 (6 Years +) “Ten Stars” out of 5 Stars

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Its not just boys that love collecting Superhero figures – girls love collecting them too. This new series is brilliant – both Con and Bex watch it all the time. The first wave of figures are very cool with a lovely use of bright colours. Fully possible and loads of adventure play – these new toys are going to be a massive hit. I’m not too certain why the figures have ‘6 year +’ on the box – I’m very happy for Bex age 4 to play with them. Kidz don’t tend to put things in their mouth after 3 years old. Figures like these tend to be ‘4 years +’ and the small parts included are not really that small.

They’re mean’t for girls – but I can see more than a few boys adding them to their collection too. Highly Recommended!!!