Disney Junior PJ Masks

Disney Junior PJ Masks Review by Fin, Sophie and Con

Every Day on Disney Junior (8am/10:15am/1:30pm/5:30pm/7:30pm) Fin 5 Stars/ Sophie 5 Stars/ Con “TOP END” 5 Stars

Parent View:
We’re loving the PJ Masks – this shows going to be HUGE. Avengers/Adam West’s Batman meets Jake and the Netherland Pirates/Miles from Tomorrow – with with loads of cool characters and bundles of fun episodes. Both girls and boys ages 3 to 9 years old will really enjoy this new show. Get ready to hear your kidz demanding toys and role play costumes. I predict this franchise inspiring the MUST OWN PJ’s of the future. Highly recommended!!!

Disney Junior PJ Masks Exclusive – Con, Bex and Fin talk to Super Heroes Catboy, Gekko and Owlette CLICK HERE!!!

Disney Junior PJ Masks Stars – Kyle Breitkopf, Addison Holley and Jacob Ewaniuk talk to Con, Fin and Bex CLICK HERE!!!

Disney Junior PJ Masks Director Christian De Vita talks to Con and Fin CLICK HERE!!!