Disney Zootropolis (2D/3D)

Disney Zootropolis Review by Hag and Con

Out on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray and Digital Download 25/7/16 (PG) Hag 4 Stars/ Con “TOP END” 5 Stars

Parent View:
This is a very special and unique Disney movie – but not quite the film it appears to be in the trailer or posters. Zootropolis is a detective movie that deals with racism and some of the present day cultural fears in a very sensitive way while sugar coating the deeper moments nicely to keep kidz under 5 years old interested. In reality this film plays more towards the slightly older age audience of 7 years to 14 years. For Kidz that scare easily this film is better suited to the small screen – Theatrically it may have been a bit too scary in places. Bex is as tough as old boots when it comes to movies (She laughed in the face of Kylo Ren) – but she did end up on my lap a few times when the animals are infected when we watched it on the big screen. This is classic Disney at its best with a modern day version of The Fox and the Hound mixed with present day issues. Highly Recommended!!!

3D Blu-Ray Review –
This is a lovely looking 3D Blu-Ray with some beautiful use of 3D FX. Its not really a movie that relies on 3D for popping out the screen effects – more using the effects to highlight the scale of the backdrops and add to the tension at dramatic moments. Certainly a disc for the 3D collection!!!

Stand out 3D Moments – Police Training camp, Train trip to Zootropolis, Judy chasing shop robber, Panther chasing Judy and Nick through the Jungle, Tube train escape and concert finale.

Disney Zootropolis Action figures, Play Sets and Role Play Toys CLICK HERE!!!