Disney’s Planes (2D/3D)

Disney’s Planes (2D/3D) reviews by Hag, Con and Sophie

Out Now on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray (U) Hag 5 Stars/ Con “Infinity and Beyond” out of 5/ Sophie 5 Stars

Parent View:
Cars fans will go nuts for this movie its fab. Planes is full excitment with some cracking 3D moments in the sky. Loads of fun – a must see this summer!!!

3D Blu-Ray Review:
Planes is to 3D what Finding Nemo is to aquatic 3D – although aside from Top Gun, I can’t think of another 3D Feature film featuring Planes. We just loved this 3D at the cinema and its just as effective on the small screen.

Stand out 3D moments – opening with Dusty and the jet planes, training with Skipper, India to Napal – Snow storm amd Dusty v Ripslinger finale – flying through canyons.

LEGO Duplo: Disney Planes – Skipper’s Flight School CLICK HERE!!!

Disney Planes – Tilt and Fly Dusty CLICK HERE!!!

Disney’s Planes toy range CLICK HERE!!!

Nintendo Wii U/3DS: Disney’s Planes CLICK HERE!!!

Disney/Pixar Cars Mircro Drifters CLICK HERE!!!

The Kidz at the UK Gala Disney Planes Screening sponsored by British Airways

Hag, Con, Sophie and Max with Air Stewards

Hag, Con and Sophie with British Airways Pilots

British Airways goodie bag

Make a paper aeroplane

British Airways Air Stewards show the exits in the cinema

On the stage Teri Hatcher (Pick-up truck Dottie)

Teri Hatcher launches a paper aeroplane into the audience