Dreamworks: The Croods (2D/3D)

Dreamworks: The Croods (2D/3D) review by Hag and Con

On DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray 9/12/13 (U) Hag 5 Stars/ Con “Infinity and Beyond” out of 5

Parent View:
Dreamworks have the new Flintstones – fans of Ice Age, The Incredibles and Brave will love this movie.
Classic stuff from the ever reliable Dreamworks!!

3D Blu-Ray Review:
The Croods is easily one of the best 3D movies of 2013 – full of strange creatures coming from the screen and bright colours.

Stand out 3D Moments – The Croods chasing the egg, Eep and the fire, Caves collapsing, Red bird swarm, Grug under water, Stars at night, Grug fighting Guy, Grug’s family painting and Grug, Cat flying with Red birds.

Dreamworks The Croods – Prehistoric Party! review by Hag and Con

Out now on Nintendo Wii, Wii U, DS and 3DS (PEGI 7) Hag 5 Stars/ Con “Infinity and Beyond” out of 5

Hag, Con and Bex at the Gala screening in London!!