Eddie The Eagle

Eddie The Eagle Review By Hag and Con

Out on DVD, Blu-Ray and Digital Download 8/8/16 (PG) Hag 4 Stars/Con “TOP END” 5 Stars

Parent View:
Like many people of my generation I loved Eddie the Eagle as kid. On taking Hag and Con to see this movie I was really hoping they’d come out understanding why he was so special to so many of us as youngsters. What actually happened was they came out loving him even more than I ever did as a kid. I had know idea how inspirational the guy really was and now love him more than I ever did. If you’re hit with a day where you feel the world’s against you and there’s just no point in trying your best – this is the film to watch.

There is one slightly awkward moment where Hugh Jackman explains to Taron Egerton how he should be thinking in the air. Its basically a far more subtle version of the ‘When Harry Met Sally’ scene explaining intimacy with film star Bo Derek. This did seem to go over Con’s head (age 8) – But Hag (age 11) asked who Bo Derek was and then went on to ask further questions.

Aside from the ‘Bo Derek’ scene – this is a must see movie for kidz aged 8 to 108. Inspirational from start to finish, heart warming and really funny. Eddie The Eagle is Rocky, Billy Elliott, Full Monty and Cool Runnings all rolled into one.

If your kidz are ever get down on their selves or have ever said they’re not good enough or struggle with a disability – you must take them to see this movie. They will walk out of the cinema a different person.

This is a MUST SEE Family movie – go buy ‘Eddie The Eagle’. Highly Recommended!!!

Tobias, Hag and Meg with Hugh Jackman (Bronson Peary)