LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens – Hag, Con & Bex chat with Lead Story Designer Graham Goring

LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens – Hag, Con & Bex chat with Lead Story Designer Graham Goring !!!

I love BB8 and Rey – can I play with them? Bex age 4

Yes you can. They are one of the first characters you play with in the game. Everyone loves BB8 – I think he’s the cutest new character. I just want one. I’ll probably buy one with the massive profits I’ve made from this.

Also Rey is a fantastic character. She is the lead of the movie and yeah – you can play with them and also 200 plus other characters as well. It’s quite insane the amount of characters you can play with.

If you could change the name of the toy LEGO to something more ‘Star Warsy’ – what would you call it? Con age 8

This probably speaks more to my inadequacy as a writer – but probably ‘Space LEGO’. (Laughs)

I don’t have the authority to do so (Change the LEGO name). There would be ramifications.

How do you make a film into a video game from the start? Hag age 11

Gosh – that’s a great question. It’s a massive process – obviously it starts with lots of Lawyers talking. (Laughs)

But eventually they bring on board the people that bring on the game.

What we do is come up with an idea of what would be fun to play for each part of the film. We will then approach the people who made the film and say – what do you think about this? This is our design document as we call it. Then that will go back a fourth a bit. And then eventually we’ll dart building those bits or detailing each of those levels. And then I’ll come on board and start writing silly jokes for the characters to say while they are walking through those levels. Or sometimes to point out a bit of gameplay so we can draw the players attention to.

Then we have these really talented artists who come in and they build these worlds after looking at reference and stuff like that. You basically put 150 people in a building – give them an amazing thing like Star Wars and a game comes out the other end.

We’re pretty good at it – so it’s like a well oiled machine. That you should oil. Not like a toaster or they just go on fire!

Did you have to change the Star Wars The Force Awakens story in any way to make the LEGO game? Have age 11

I wouldn’t say change. No – because of course we want to tell that same story. We’re using audio from the movie – so we’re telling the exact same story. But sometime we get given a little bit of artistic licence to change things. There’s a bit where your flying away from loads and loads of Tie-Fighters in the Millennium Falcon. In the film there are only two Tie-Fighters. But in order to make that a more exciting level we had a little bit of leeway to jhuzz that up so to speak. Put a bunch more things in there so there more action. But generally we stayed pretty close indeed to the plot. And in the cut scenes they reference exact camera angles and things like that – because you know if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

It’s a brilliant film.

I think it’s really nice that we (The LEGO game version of the story) have that level with Rey and BB8 where they get to know each other. Because in the film it’s a small emotional beat – and we still have that in the cut scene. But it’s nice to see them co-operating. That’s lovely because BB8 and Rey are really great characters. Who doesn’t want to play as them.

Are there any Ghost characters you can play in the game? Con age 8

I don’t know if there are any ghost characters. I don’t generally know – I couldn’t say. But there are 200 plus characters – so there’s every chance they are in there. Pretty much if you see a little alien on screen for five seconds generally speaking we’ve built a full LEGO version of that – animated it and put it in the game for you to play as.

Like at the end of the film – can you play as Luke Skywalker when you complete the game? Hag 11 & Con 8

Why don’t you purchase the game and you will find out. But definitely purchase the game – don’t just borrow it (Laughs).

Dad with Graham Goring!!!

LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens Special – Hag, Con and Bex review all the new LEGO toys CLICK HERE!!!