Madame Tussauds London

Madame Tussauds London review by Hag and Con

Hanging out with the Royals!!!

This One Direction’s going nowhere!!!

Hunger Games Katniss!!!

Bond….James Bond

Hag and Con have a friend in Tom!!

The Legend that is Robin Williams!!!

Time for a scare!!!

The King of Fear Alfred Hitchcock!!!

Will we ever see England win the World Cup again?!!

The King of Rock and Roll!!!

The King of Pop!!!


Yes Prime Minister!

Right away Mr President!!

Marvel Avengers!!!

Star Wars!!!

Madame Tussauds London (Open 7 days a week) “TOP END” 5 Stars

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Its been years since I last went to Madame Tussauds and it was so much fun. The boys loved having pictures with all the stars and the rides and shows are amazing. Go with the intention to stay the day – there’s loads to see and do plus its must for Marvel and Star Wars fans. Highly Recommended!!!

Hag and Con become Star Wars Waxworks at the Disney Infinity 3.0 Launch event CLICK HERE!!!