Marvel Avengers Assemble (2D/3D Review)

Review by Hag and Caitlin

On DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray(12) Hag 5 Stars/ Caitlin 5 Stars

Parent View:
I’m a bit saddened this film has a 12 rating as some parent won’t consider showing their Kidz under 12 the film(12A at the cinema – meaning Kidz under 12 years old were able to see if accompanied by an adult). There is fantasy violence and some minor bad language – but on the whole its pretty harmless stuff.

As far as I’m concerned the race for family film of the year is over already – ‘Avengers Assemble’ wins hands down for 2012. I took Hag (7 years old) to see Avengers when Disney screened it and plan to take Con (5 years old soon) on its official released – both boys will be fine with the content. We just loved this movie – in years to come your Kidz will look back on this as an event with great memories. Don’t have an embarrassing moment in 20 years time because you didn’t take them!!!

3D Blu-Ray review:
This is the 3D Blu-Ray you’ll use to show why you own a 3D TV. With some of the best action sequences ever filmed in 3D and Super Hero’s flying out of you screen – every inch the must own 3D Blu-Ray!!

The only minor issue is the subtitled moments (of which there are very few at the beginning).On a small screen it hurts my eyes a little to read subtiles – but this is so minor the disc still stands as one of the best 3D Blu-Rays on the market. Stand out 3D moments: Any scene with The Hulk and Iron man flying through the air, inside Iron man’s mask, Hulk/Hawk Eye V the Avengers and the battle in New York. Highly recommended!!!

The ‘Avengers Assemble’ UK Press Conference: CLICK HERE

Avengers S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier: CLICK HERE


Avengers Role Play: CLICK HERE

Avengers Initiative – OUT NOW on iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad2, The New iPad and Android Devices