Marvel: The Wolverine (2D/3D)

Marvel: The Wolverine (2D/3D) review by Hag

On DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray 18/11/13 (12) 5 Stars

Parent View:
Full of fast paced action and more importantly the wonderful Hugh Jackman as Wolverine – this new X-Men movies really good fun. The Wolverine is rated 12 (12a at the cinema) and much like the Dark Knight films, X-Men movies tend to be a little darker than say The Avengers. I wouldn’t recommend it as a movie for all under 12’s as there is one use of strong language and a scenes of Wolverine with his flesh burnt (similar to the effects for Anakin in Star Wars Episode 3).

I was happy to take Hag and Con – I just hid Con’s eyes for anything I felt uncomfortable with.

3D Blu-ray Review:
We loved the 3D for this at the cinema and it delivers the same punch on the small screen. Full of claws, swords and arrows appearing from the screen. The Wolverine is everything you”d want from a 3D adventure with our Angry Hero.

Stand Out 3D Moments: Japanese Prison pit, Fight on the outside of the bullet Train, ‘Come and Get me’ note – with Knife in the wall, Sword/claw fight in the Medical room and garden, Ninjas firing arrows at Wolverine and the Finale battle.

UK Premiere