Marvel X-Men Apocalypse (2D/3D)

Marvel X-Men Apocalypse (2D/3D) Review by Hag

Out on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray 7/11/16 (12) 3.5 Stars

Parent View:
X-Men has always the big brother super Hero franchise to the slightly younger Avengers movies and the content does tend to be that little darker and a bit more gritty. X-Men Apocalypse is definitely on the higher end of the 12A rating (Rated BBFC 12 on Home Entertainment) with some strong language and quite hard hitting fantasy violence. I was happy for both Hag and Con to watch the movie – but I wouldn’t say the content was appropriate for all kidz aged under 12 years old. The New X-Men movie does get a bit confusing for kidz as the time lines are a bit all over the place now – but it is really good fun!!!

3D Blu-Ray review:
The 3D for the latest X-men movie is the high standard you’d expect from a Marvel action film. When there’s hard hitting action moments the 3D FX really kick in and there are some lovely subtle 3D moments from time to time like a wonderful shot across lake when Scott shows off his laser eyes.

Stand out 3D moments – Opening sequence in ancient Egypt, X-Men time travel title sequence, all Cerebro scenes, Quick Silver saving the students, Magneto moving all the metal of the world and finale X-Men unleash powers battle (No spoiler)