Nintendo 3DS/2DS: Phonics Fun with Biff, Chip & Kipper

Nintendo 3DS/2DS: Phonics Fun with Biff, Chip & Kipper review by Con

Out on Nintendo 3DS/2DS (PEGI 3) “TOP END” 5 Stars

Parent View:
You could never accuse Nintendo of not being creatively brave in growing their market and building new audiences with their entertainment devices.

With younger Kidz now looking to consoles like the 3DS and 2DS this is the perfect way for parents to take advantage of the technology and get them learning as they play.

Kidz aged between 4 and 6 will be well versed in the adventures of Biff, Chip and Kipper at school – so introducing these books to the Nintendo world is a brilliant way of supporting teachers as they teach the phonics process for reading and writing.

Con’s probably a little too old for this game now but loves the characters from in his early years at school and loves completing the various tasks he’s set during the stories.

Would he choose this game over Mario – No. But if he was told to play Phonics Fun with Biff, Chip & Kipper or no gaming time at all he’d be over the moon.

The perfect ages: Volume 1 and 2 (4-5 years old) Volume 3 (5-6 years old)

Live Next week: Four 4 to 6 year olds review the new Phonics Fun with Biff, Chip & Kipper