Paladone Retro Pac-Man Pixel Bricks

Paladone Retro Pac-Man Pixel Bricks review by Hag and Con

Ghost Pixel Bricks!!!

Pac-Man Pixel Bricks!!!

Available from all good retailers and Paladone Website CLICK HERE (3 Years +) Hag 3 Stars /Con 3 Stars

Parent View:
Fancy something slightly more challenging than LEGO – well here it is. In the words of Hag “Some of the building defies gravity”. The score out of 5 above takes into account how difficult this was to build – that said both boys love the product and its very satisfying once built. That said – Dad had to build most of the Pac-Man and Ghost it was just a bit too tough for Hag and Con. Plus – Pac-Man didn’t quite turn out as he was meant to look. Sometimes you need to use common sense when building and try to keep things symmetrical as the instructions are a little confusing. They’re hard to build – but look cracking once finished!!!

Paladone Retro Pac-Man Merchandise CLICK HERE!!!