ParaNorman (2D/3D Review)

Reviews by Hag and Con

On DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray 28/1/13 (PG) Hag 5 Stars/ Con “Infinity” out of 5

Parent View:
ParaNorman is a difficult movie for me to a call on whats best for other peoples Kidz. First up – Hag and Con love being scared and thought ParaNorman was incredible even though Con spent most of the movie peering out from under a ‘Hiding blanket’ I brought along for the screening. On the small screen the fear factor of the movie is far less – so Kidz who do scare easily will prefer the Home entertainment experience.

Hag and Con watch a lot of films and don’t scare very easily – any Kidz that do scare easily, this isn’t the film for them. Some of the content is very dark and the subject of a small child being hung as a witch may not be to the taste of some parents – even though it is very subtle and may go over the heads of the young viewers.

Also – there is a joke towards the end of the movie that relates to the sexuality of one of the characters. This wasn’t an issue for my Kidz as they are in regular contact with close friends within my circle and the explanation has already happened within my family. Some families may not be so happy to have that conversation on the back of a Kidz film and prefer to discuss at a later point.

Overall this film is magnificent – but never has a ‘PG’ been more appropriate. Shaun of the Dead for Kidz and just as funny.

3D Blu-Ray Review:
This is a good quality 3D Blu-ray and perfectly enhances the horror experience for Kidz. Stand out 3D moments – Zombie arms appearing from the screen and the witch finale.