Sammy’s Great Escape (2D/3D)

Sammy’s Great Escape (2D/3D) review by Hag and Con

Out Now on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray (U) Hag 5 Stars/Con “100 and Infinity and beyond” out of 5

Parent View:
We just love ‘A Turtles Tale’ and this films even better than the original – with some of the best 3D ever seen. Classic stuff – clearly a franchise to keep an eye on.

Perfect for all kidz – No need to see the first film to enjoy the latest adventure, although its well worth seeing. Highly recommended!!!

3D Blu-Ray Review:
This is easily one of the best 3D Blu-rays on the market with loads of 3D SFX and sea creatures appearing from the TV screen. I’m a real sucker for a Sea based 3D movie – they’re always good in my eyes. Stand out 3D moments – the opening titles, Lobster claws, Seagulls attack on the boat, Big D and the eels, Big D holding court with the fish, the young turtles being chased through the pipes and the Hammer head shark. Highly Recommended!!!