Smurfs 2 (2D/3D)

Smurfs 2 (2D/3D) review by Hag, Con, Alex and Bethany

On DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray 9/12/13 (U) Hag 5 Stars/ Con 5 Stars/ Bethany 5 Stars/ Alex 5 Stars

Parent View:
Bethany and Alex loved this film – if your Kidz loved the first movie they have to see Smurfs 2. Smurfs ROCK – always did always will!!!

3D Blu-Ray Review:
The first Smurfs 3D Blu-ray was cracking and Smurfs 2 delivers the same high quality with smurfs and magic spells flying out of the TV screen. Stand out 3D nmoments – Smurfette pop-up story book, smurf portal, sweet shop, Gargamel v Patrick in theatre, Happy Smurf electric shock, Explosion in Gargamel’s Lair, Smur dust over paris and Gragamel flying over Paris.

When Con met Katy Perry (Smurfette)

Bethany and Alex at the Smurfs 2 Galla Screening!!!

Bethany with Model Maria Kouka

Right Said Fred

Jakks Pacific Smurf 2 launch party and Screening with Hag and Con

Smurf checks before entering the cinema

Hag, Con and Smurf helper with the new toy range

Smurf helpers spell out SMURF in front of the Cinema Screen

Smurf 2 review:

Hag and Con with Papa Smurf


Hag makes Smurf potions

Goodie bag for the Kidz!!!

The all new Smurfs 2 toy range are available now from all good retailers!!!