Tarzan (2D/3D)

Tarzan (2D/3D) review by Sophie, Hag and Con

Out Now on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray (PG) Sophie 5 Stars/ Hag 4.5 Stars/ Con “Top End” 5 Stars

Parent View:
Tarzan’s back and updated for a modern young audience – packed with 3D action, alien monsters and dinosaurs. We were really looking forward to this movie and it delivers as an action packed film little boys will love. The styling is out of this world with some of the best 3D animation I’ve ever seen. Bizarrely there are also a few moment of very sloppy animation – but these sections won’t spoil the overall effect as Tarzan swings through the gloriously colourful jungle backdrops.

3D Blu-Ray review:
The 3D for this movie is actually quite breathtaking at times. Tarzan kicks off with shots from outer space then settles back on earth to perfectly capture the colour and beauty of Tarzan’s Jungle.

From start to finish everything from meteors to bats appear from the screen and there’s some cracking ‘jumpy’ moments with wild animals.

Stand out 3D moments – the opening sequence with the meteor and Dinosaurs, All Helicopter shots, Tarzan saving Jane from the Crocodile, Tarzan v Plant monster and all the swinging shots.