The Nut Job (2D/3D)

The Nut Job (2D/3D) review by Con

Out Now on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray and Digital Download (U) “TOP END” 5 Stars

Parent View:
This film had me on ‘Kidz movie staring Brendan Fraser’ – Brendan Fraser’s fab in Kidz movies!!

Its Looney Toons meets Madagascar. Con found the story a bit confusing but loved every moment along with Hag (9) and Bex (2) who did not move from her seat throughout. Cracking fun!!!

3D Blu-ray Review –
There’s something classic/Looney Toons about the use of 3D with this 3D disc.

Throughout the movie the use of 3D is quite subtle and then every so often ‘bong’ – an object whether it be exploding popcorn or a brick will come flying from the screen. I really like the use of 3D – there’s enough space between each effect that whilst you’re watching the movie you almost forget you’re watching a 3D film and it surprises you every time something happens.

Con’s question for The Nut Job actor Brendan Fraser (Grayson)

What’s your favourite film you’ve ever made? I like George of the Jungle? Con age 7

Alright…favourite film I’ve ever made? Do you know what ‘George’ was a really happy time in my life and it made a lot people very very happy. A lot of Kidz, a lot of Mum’s and Dad’s and what can I say?
I’m just glad I was a part of it. Because when you make movies…..They tend to stick around. If you want to you can go and watch Charlie Chaplin do something really funny. And that was a long time ago – but it’s still there. And still funny!

I’m gonna go ‘George’.

Full Interview CLICK HERE!!!

Hag with Liam Neeson (Raccoon)

In real life what would you rather be – a God or a Jedi?

Hag, Con and Bex at the Multimedia screening!!!