TOY FAIR 2016 – Bex talks to Union J’s George Shelley

TOY FAIR 2016 – Bex talks to Union J’s George Shelley

I really love you and your singing and your dancing. What do you like best – singing or dancing? Bex age 4

George – out of singing and dancing? I like singing more than dancing because I can’t really dance. I don’t know where she’s seen me dancing. I just jump up and down and pretend to dance. It’s the best way. Just pretend that you’re good at it and then it looks funny. I dance like a toddler – definitely.

Can you play guitar or any instruments? Bex age 4

George – I can play guitar and piano a little bit. Everybody should learn how to play an instrument – especially from a young age. If you’re young and you want to be a musician – make sure you start picking up an instrument from when you’re little.

What do you like best about Union J? Bex age 4

George – I like the fact that we all love each other and we’re like brothers. We never argue.

Do you like bananas? Bex age 4

George – I do (laughs) like bananas. They are very good for you – full of potassium. But you shouldn’t have too much because if you eat more than nine bananas you could die.

If you eat more than nine you can have a potassium overdose. My Mum told me it when I was little.

Bex bag of Union J figures!!!

When Bex hung out with Union J back stage summer 2015 CLICK HERE!!!