Universal Studios: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Orlando, Florida USA

Universal Studios: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Orlando, Florida USA Review by Hag, Con and Bex

Universal Studios Park: Diagon Alley

Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts Ride!!!

Ollivanders – Experience how Harry Potter had his wand pick its Wizard!!!

Eat and Drink at The Leaky Cauldron

London’s Kings Cross Station!!!

Hogwarts Express to Hogsmeade

Universal’s Islands of Adventures Park: Hogsmeade

Butter Beer for sale in the streets!!!

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey Hogwarts Ride!!!

Live shows at both Harry Potter Parks!!!

Universal Studios and Universal’s Islands of Adventure (Orlando, Florida USA) “TOP END” 5 Stars

Parent View:
Harry Potter is basically Star Wars for Kidz like Hag and Con. Imagine back in the seventies and eighties being able to be part of that world. Its a reality for young Potter fans.

This is a genuinely a magic experience for fans – you feel like you’re in the movie and its really hard to leave the two Potter parks once you’re there. If you love Harry Potter – you have to go to Universal Studios. Highly Recommended!!!