Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2D/3D)

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2D/3D) review by Hag and Con

Out on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-ray and Digital Download 27/11/17 (12) 4.5 Stars

Parent View:
This is a beautiful looking Sci-Fi movie with some incredible action moments. Hag and Con really enjoyed Valerian – they were glued to the green throughout. Perfect for young Gamers and Anime fans – Highly Recommended!!!

3D Blu-Ray Review:
This is a 3D fest from start to finish – so much so its virtually impossible to pick favourite 3D moments as the whole film is jam packed with incredible 3D FX. A must own for the 3D collections.

Stand out 3D moments – All space scenes, The ‘Bad Dream’, Valerian running through VR market, Valerian taking ‘short cut’ to rescue the Commander, Under water ship searching for jelly Fish, Paradise City, Inside the wall – Pearls and machine (No spoiler) and Finale battle.

Hag & Con at the Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets Premiere CLICK HERE!!!