War for the Planet of the Apes (2D/3D)

War for the Planet of the Apes (2d/3D) review by Hag and Con

Out on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray and Digital Download 27/11/17 (12) Hag “TOP END” 5 Stars/Con 4.5 Stars

Parent View:
This is quite possibly the best summer for movies ever – every week there’s been an ‘Event Movie’. The latest being the return of Planet of the Apes. The third film in the series is hard hitting, edgy and emotionally driven throughout. War for the Planet of the Apes is rated 12A – but should only be seen by kidz under the age of 12 that can cope with content as deep and dark as these films tend to be. Apes 3 is every inch the must see Summer blockbuster and both Hag and Con loved it. Easily the the best Apes movie yet and so relevant to everything that’s happening around the world today. Highly Recommended!!!

3D Blu-Ray Review:
This is a really good quality 3D Blu-ray with some jaw dropping landscapes and brilliant action scenes made all the more intense with 3D. The main bulk of the jump out 3D moments are kept for moments of impact. For the best effect this films best watched in darkness as so much of the action takes place at night.

Stand Out 3D moments – Opening battle with soldiers in the forest, Attack on Caesars family – lasers and water fall fight, Landscape scene riding along the beach, Underground tunnels, Helicopter attack on Prison Camp, Finale Battle and avalanche.

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